This ancient view of Creativity, opens us towards the elusive subtlety of a ‘cosmic sense’. This is how the sacred link between art, man, and life reveals itself in its specific forms.
The experience
Is there for us, people of today, a way to experiment and embody these questions? Questions of truth, beauty, goodness, identity and freedom? How can we even feel the necessity of these questions? How can we create or discover Silence and Space in and within ourserselves to hear this intemporal call?
An ancient song, reminder of ancestors, resounds in space. Just the time of a workshop and these ancestors become close to us. Through generosity, thanks to Maud Robart’s research, a silence-song unravels, ripe with teachings, as a tale we would have always needed to listen to. And in the long stream of a litany, our wandering spirits fall silent. Caught by the flowing of a spontaneous dance, the subtle excitement of our senses reveals a hidden desire of freedom.
about maud robart
Maud Robart was born in Haiti, where she started the exploration of Afro-Haitian vaudou songs. Maud Robart conveys the essential principles governing these original techniques through a path that places direct experience as the foundation of an exploratory process and the core of a living understanding.
Thanks to Cristina, Eva, Laura, Pablo and Thibaut, my companions in this exploration who have contributed to the creation of this site. Having agreed to dive into the river of these songs employing their sensibility, their heart, and their vigilant attention as tools; they have walked the path towards themselves within the silent yanvalou's originary motricity. They have brought back a word from within, in accordance with the intuition of a renewed opening to the world.
Maud Robart